Top 10 Assassins Creed OSTs

The Assassins Creed franchise is one of the our favorite video game franchises of all time, which of course made its mark in 2007, starting with the debut of Altair as the protagonist. More than 10 years later, we have over 20 games, yes, over 20 Assassins Creed games, on nearly every platform. Through all these games, Ubisoft, the game developer, has often changed ideas and gameplay,, the biggest perhaps with last year’s Assassins Creed: Origins; turning it into a full blown Role Playing Game.
For us at The Draxanderis Scripture, our favorite games always have been Assassins Creed III, Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag, and Assassins Creed: Rogue. The Story, according to us, is probably the best. Sure, they didn’t involve Ezio, Connor was pretty bad in Assassins Creed III(although they fixed a lot of him in the DLC), and Black Flag was more of a pirate game, but still.
And as always what we pay a close attention to here at The Draxanderis Scripture is the soundtrack of the games. The Assassins Creed franchise has some of our favorite OSTs, so here we go.

(Note: This is about the Original Soundtrack of the games, so unfortunately those awesome songs used in the trailers, and fan made music don’t count)

10. Assassins Creed III Main Theme.

Starting off our list, we have this piece of masterful mixing. It immediately sets us into the mood for the game, and the tone is fleshed out beautifully. It has the dusty, adventurous feel to it, and we had to hear more of it.
9. Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag- Pyrates Beware.

Now this is another piece that just pumps excitement and wonder into our blood. The 18th Century Coastal feel, the bloodshed, the survival, the greed and the glorious days of Piracy are revisited every time we hear it. It starts off quite strong and full of promise, just like Edward Kenway’s career in the high seas, but it has its ups and downs, and at the end the music slows down, and gives the tranquility of death.  

8. Ezio’s Family

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Don’t draw your hidden blade at us. Yes, we put Ezio’s Family at Number 8. Yes it is a beautiful piece of Orchestra, that wonderful female vocal puts us into the peace through the canals of nighttime Venice, it is magical, but we think it is a tad bit overrated. Yes, it makes us feel like Ezio, a master assassin, but we think it is overrated.

7. Venice Rooftops.

The first thing we did when we listened to it on our headphones was put on a hoodie, and ran as fast as we could. Because that’s the feeling you get, and that’s what you want to do when you hear this. You can imagine yourself jumping over the rooftops of Venice as you listen.

6. Assassins Creed: Origins Main Theme.

This one also fulfills the task of putting you into the mood and setting for the game. The World of Ancient Egypt comes to your ears, the dangers, the Nile River, you can sense it all.
But we have to say it, Origins disappointed us with the Soundtrack.

5. Assassins Creed: Black Flag Main Theme.

This piece screams Pirate and the High Seas at you, not literally, but through the feeling. The rush, the glory, the adventure, you can sense it all. This is what Edward Kenway probably felt like when we first got the Jackdraw, and what we felt like when we got the game.

4. Assassins Creed: Syndicate- Bloodlines.
 So this one is unnaturally speaks a sad tune, but is masterfully crafted, and every emotion the poor working class probably felt like in London in the Victorian Age. It is full of misery, and we love it.

3. Assassins Creed: Revelations Main Theme.

Zyrah, the creator of this piece has carefully showed us the way and given us hints that this game would be the last for Ezio’s adventures, because how he is old, but still an master assassin, away from his home, but full of knowledge, and that we will have to bid him goodbye. It is an epic way to end the Trilogy, and what Ezio deserves.
2. Assassins Creed II: Earth-

So this one, according to us is much more impactful and influential than Ezio’s Family or Venice Rooftops. It has sacrifice, Tears, Journey, Family, Adventure, Glory, knowledge all into one, and oh god, those vocals and the flutes. It just made us fall in love with the game, and it ends while teasing us of more.
Now, before our number 1 Soundtrack, there are some wonderful ones that didn't get into the list, but were too good to ignore.

Assassins Creed: Rogue Main Theme.
Assassins Creed: Rogue- Broken Bond.
Assassins Creed: Rogue- I am Shay Patrick Cormac.
Assassins Creed: Syndicate- Jokes, Jokes, Jokes.
Assassins Creed: Revelations- An Unsubtle Approach.

1.     Assassins Creed Rogue: The Hunter.

Can this piece be the Best Chase Music of all History? It has the feeling of Betrayal, not too forced as in Broken Bond, but not too little either. It has adventure, the urge to complete the mission, to get things right, at all costs. It even has some of Ezio’s charm into it(we swear we’re in love with that Lady’s voice)., the same wondrous feeling of being in the sea, the dusty streets of New York and of course, it makes us a part of Shay’s Journey. Tompall Glaser has done a great job at making this track unique to Shay, and makes us wonder, Is this what he felt like? Hunting those who he considered Brothers? Also, reinforces the identity feeling, that of a Hunter.

Well, well, well! That was quite something. Do you agree with our list? Which one do you think is the best? Is there something we missed? Tell us in the comments!
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