The Scripture Recommends: Top 5 Random Music of the Week (21 to 28 March 2018)

This week, We at The Draxanderis Scripture dive into the universe of electronic music. We handpicked these for you, and these are some tracks that you will love, if you just like good music!

5. Fairy Tail : Main Theme (DJ AG Remix)

We never thought the main theme from an anime would ever appear in our lists, but- oh well. The original in itself is pretty good, but this remix version by DJ AG just makes it more amazing. The setup and the progression of the song is very good, and at moments it almost goes into the dupstep category.

4. A Thousand Words

Ex-meme specialist and currently documentary YouTuber David Wangsteid made this track. It is something you would love to listen to if you like good Electronic music. Yes, that’s what it is- good music. The only thing that makes us upset hearing to this is that LEMMiNo hasn’t uploaded any song since 2015.

3. Cold Feet

Music Technology graduate and YouTuber Tom L J White is the composer of this piece, and all we can saw is that this man knows what he is doing. It is frankly what you would expect from a movie soundtrack and has a very good vibe of its own, calm and gentle.  

2. Me & You

I can't sleep tonight
 Close my eyes,
 I see your light
The skies, they speak at night
Tell me I need to find my sight

It starts off great, goes on to greater, and end on an even better note. The beat drops in this KVMO song are gentle and Helen Tess’ amazing voice is just perfect. Its independent, and a very good tone. The artists turned feelings into musical notes, as it seems. If the last song in this list had not come out, this song would have been number 1, because it’s just that good.

1.     MAYDAY

It's so dark, it's so dark out here in space
 And it's been so long, been so long since I've seen a face
 My eyes are shut but I can see
 The void between you and me, mm
And I feel and I feel like I'm going insane

The song just came out some days ago, and this is the song that made us, the people at The Draxanderis Scripture, just fall in love with the Electronic genre. TheFatRat is ofcourse, an amazing music producer, and Laura Brehm’s voice just nailed it. The balance between the electronic and the vocals fit in perfectly.  Plus, its so easy hearing the song and imagine what the artists have painted for us. There are feelings of hope, despair, dread and even gladness. It completely sounds as its from somewhere distant, and in space (which is hard considering space has no sounds). The beat drops are a bit too squeaky (get it?) but that’s just one small detail engulfed by the rest of the song.

Well, there goes this week’s Top 5. Which one is your favorite? Is there any song you would like to have featured? Tell us in the comments!


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