Top 10 Ramin Djawadi Tracks

Ramin Djawadi, Iranian- German composer, is one of our favorites at The Draxanderis Scripture. Let’s be clear, why shouldn’t we? If you didn’t know, he is the man behind the music in many movies, TV shows, and even video games.
What? You didn’t know all this and don’t know where to start? Luckily for you, we have already compiled this list, so you can get to listen to the best of them for yourself.
Gears Of War

10. Gears Of War 4: Main Theme

Whether you like Gears of War or not, the main theme of this over-the-shoulder shooter video game is quite good to hear, taking in account the thrill and the military feel.

Ramin Djawadi

9. Strings Of Prisoners

Part of the TV series Prison Break; this track’s defining features is the beat. It is very techno, but with Djawadi’s own twist, achieving all intentions, aiding the audience to understand the feel of a prison house.

8. Merchant Of Death

Iron Man
This was made for the famous movie Iron Man(2008) that kickstarted the marvel franchise, and is the reason for where the MCU is today. It is very professional, almost making it part of Tony Stark’s persona.
This track was probably what he was feeling like, the coolest guy on Planet Earth.

7. An In-Be-Tweener
Prison Break

Also part of the TV series Prison Break, this track is a mixed tune of Techno Rock and epic movie soundtracks. It almost seems this song has its own personality, secrets and destiny, something which is very difficult to compose.

6. Gipsy Danger

Made for the movie Pacific Rim, this is also the theme song of the Yeager of the same name. It captures the feeling of greatness, power and heroism, but it is also uncertain of the fortune. At the end of the day, however, it is Gipsy Danger, the best on Planet Earth.


5. Westworld : Main Theme

This is a rather short one, but great nevertheless. The Piano and the instruments really bring a lot of questions, and the feeling of classic science, which is exactly its purpose.

4. Trinkets to Kill a Prince

Usually movie scores don’t put much effort to sound original, but this track, also from Iron Man, is just wickedly good, and is a mixture of bad, good, confusion and very sophisticated ideas. You feel the dread here, and it’s something that sticks with you for a while.  

  3. Pacific Rim Main Theme.

Official Movie Poster
You haven’t experienced true Badass feelings if you haven’t heard this. This is quite literally the most adventurous soundtrack on this list. Even better, the music is Rock Music, making it tie in quite nicely.
Listen to this if you haven’t already, It screams sacrifice at you, but that doesn't stop you from being yourself.

 2. The Thumbprint Killer

Official Movie Poster
Although made for the movie Mr. Brooks( which got mixed reviews) this track goes on beyond being just a film OST. This is dreadful and exciting, and there is always a hint that something is wrong. The high notes are carefully made to be suspenseful and instigate fear. It is a favorite for many of us, and really hope  to see more of this kind of music in the future.

Before we talk about our Number 1, here are some tracks that deserve to be mentioned, but didn't find a place in our list.
Iron Man Theme
Game of Thrones : Winterwell

1.  Game Of Thrones: Main Theme

This is a Masterpiece of an OST. Djawadi not only captured the feel of George RR Martin’s High Fantasy universe, but has also has enough merit to be recognized and Universally accepted as one of the best TV Soundtracks. It has feelings of royalty, betrayal, peace, love and so much more. The Strings play here nicely, along with the keyboard, and for us at The Draxanderis Scripture, this very much deserves the number 1 spot.

So, by now hopefully you have an idea of how great of a composer Ramin Djawadi really is. As always, these are just what The Scripture liked. Would you like to have a part 2? Which ones are your favorite? Tell Us in the comments!


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