Top 3 Songs to listen from Mass Effect 2: Kasumi - Stolen Memory DLC

Image result for mass effect 2 kasumi

Mass Effect 2 was a phenomenal game that shook the industry by storm and took us back to a good time. After the amazing (and crazy!) story of the second game of the Mass Effect franchise, Bioware came up with a new story in a DLC that included a new character and her backstory: Kasumi.

The story follows  as this: Kasumi Goto's service has been enlisted by Cerberus. Kasumi is the galaxy's most enigmatic master thief, and in return for her help, Kasumi has asked Shepard's help on a dangerous heist to infiltrate the vault of a deadly master criminal named Donovan Hock. Gain Kasumi's loyalty on the planet Bekenstein.  Hock is throwing a party for some of the galaxy's richest and most deranged criminal minds to recover data of great importance to Kasumi... and to the galaxy at large.

 We at The Draxanderis Scripture having promised to provide you with the greatest music, have narrowed down pieces of music from the DLC that we think are just simply, awesome.

3. Death from above

This sequence plays out where Hock attacks at the rooftop of his mansion and is the true climax of the DLC’s narrative. Going in blazing against mercenaries and Cross’s own death machine, the music not only perfectly captures the moment, but also showcases the thrill of Kasumi’s attack. Not to mention the view:

Related image
Bekenstein: Paradise and full of corruption!

2. Party Music

“May there always be a market for the things we do.”

This song captures the beautiful essence of the Hock mansion, and the beauty of the planet of Bekenstein. When we played through this, we were mesmerized by the sweet sound of the piano as well as the sight: Pure peace, away from the bloodshed. Shepard looks stunning in the formal clothes, and there is a subtle sound of danger to the tun, which captures Donovan Hock's personality perfectly.

Image result for mass effect 2 donovan hock
Wouldn't you like a house like this?

1. Inflintration

Image result for mass effect 2 kasumi stolen memory infiltrationThis song provides the basis of the main plot of the DLC and also Kasumi, weaving in the stealth and trickery.It is fit for the heist that takes place, and also in the context: a woman reclaiming hr dead lover’s memory.

As always, these are just what The Scripture liked. Share this post with others if you liked it! Which ones are your favorite or have something to add? Tell us in the comments!
Image result for mass effect 2 gif
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