Why does your journey through Skyrim sound so epic? (The Most Epic Tracks of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)

Skyrim is in chaos. A Civil War erupts after the High King is murdered, and now, Dragons are coming back- Alduin, the World Eater is bent on destroying the world and all hope seems lost- or is it? Is there someone who can save Skyrim and keep evil away from it?
You, Dragonborn, you. You can. And after listening to these tracks, the most epic The Elder Scrolls V: Skyim has to offer, all produced the talented Jeremy Soule, your inner Dovakihn will awake. Set 201 years after the events of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, you'll venture across mountains, rivers, battlefields and ancient dungeons.
Read ahead to embark on a truly epic journey!
1. Dragonborn
Probably Skyrim's most famous song, Dragonborn captures the setting's essence. Its soul, if you will. What seems the chanting of a hundred Nordic warriors in the Dragon language, plays every time one loads up the game. It draws you into the universe of the Elder Scrolls. The lyrics (translated) themselves are just as majestic:
And the Scrolls have foretold, of black wings in the cold,That when brothers wage war come unfurled!Alduin, Bane of Kings, ancient shadow unbound,With a hunger to swallow the world!But a day, shall arise, when the dark dragon’s lies,Will be silenced forever and then!Fair Skyrim will be free from foul Alduin’s maw!Dragonborn be the savior of men!Dragonborn, Dragonborn, by his honor is sworn,To keep evil forever at bay!

2. Steel On Steel
You are the one with the soul and power of a Dragon, and you do not back down from a fight. The enemy draws near, and you unsheathe your sword, delivering a swift strike- he blocks, The vocals, the strings, the drums- they all combine perfectly for this battle music, and fits well with Skyrim's tone. The province of Skyrim is full of danger, and full of glory to be had, and this track captures them both.

3. One They Fear
Chants, drums and high spirits- This is the track your fight against the Dragons that have come alive once more. They fear you, Dragonborn, and they will fight you to death, with their breath of fire and snow.
The track is heroic and energetic, and makes you feel so when you deliver swift strikes with your weapon, or shoot the beast out of the sky. It is helpless, and you rightly take its soul to safeguard Tamriel.

4. Watch The Skies
Traversing on the beaten paths to the ancient cities of Skyrim, and then you see it in the air, that very familiar shape, flying high among the clouds. You remember that guard who warned you "Watch the skies, traveler," You unsheathe, and then rush ahead. Fierce battles that follow after these sightings are relished well by any Dragonborn, and this music with its horns and drums adds to the experience.
As the Dragon roars, fires and falls, you can feel the blood rushing through your veins, while this track plays.

5. Sovngarde
Finally, you are here, and now Alduin flees from you. Sovngarde is where all valiant Nords go after death. They feast, drink and fight among each other. With Alduin's fall from grace, you are ready to put an end to this Dovah, to fulfil your destiny. The Ancient Nords and valiant warriors are watching- and they are rooting for you. For you to rid Sovngarde of this unwanted menace, and save Nirn.
"Dragonborn cannot be more epic than it is." Damn Stormcloak rebels, what do they know? You have met High King Torygg. You are onto defeating Alduin once and for all. And when you do, the drums and this epic track will be with you. Sovngarde will await when you go back there after years.
As said,
"It is time for Nords to learn the truth. Eternal life can be theirs, without the need to spend an entire mortal life in vain pursuit of something completely unattainable. In the end, all valiant Nords can enter Sovngarde. Dismemberment, decapitation or evisceration seems a small price to pay for the chance to spend an eternity in Shor's wondrous hall."

Valor, Fire and Honor- the five tracks we have curated have them all. They all play in praise of you, Dragonborn, to rid Skyrim of evil. Take up your weapon of choice, and rush into battle. Jeremy Soule has given the world some of his most amazing work here. Put them to good use!
Tamriel needs you, and Talos guides you, Dovakihn!
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