What happened to the DXR Script? Update and Future Plans


Hey, its been a while.

No, really. Its been over two months since we last published an article here on the DXR Script, and we feel like some kind of update is necessary, specially for all our avid readers who have shown us a lot of support in everything we did. And no, we're not dead.

As you may or may not be aware, The DXR Script (or as it was known before, The Draxanderis Scripture) has been through this last patch of content drought in the past as well, and how this year we came back, expanding our content from just music. We put a lot of passion behind those articles, loved experimenting with new topics of discussion, and take this website in a better direction.

So, what happened? Why haven't been there any more articles? Where's all the new posts about Books, Halo, Films or Music?

The answer is, working on this website alongside many ongoing projects while being students has taken some toll on everyone at the DXR Script. We're not blaming anyone or anything for what we've been unable to do, but we feel that being able to put out quality articles that can be read over and over instead of little 50 -150 word "status updates" are infinitely more valuable in the long term, and for that reason, we'll be away for a while.

We'd also like to quickly thank everyone who have been keeping tabs at us, giving us updates that would make worthy articles in their own right, and give everyone some ideas of what is to come in the future, as well as some more stuff.

The Direction The DXR Script will go, in the future

We at The DXR Script want this online medium to be much more than just to be quick reads that harvests ad revenue with clickbait titles. That has always been the core philosophy behind our articles, and for this we've always strived to provide our readers with some value in every post we write, be it about Anime, Films or even music. 

This philosophy is still going to be our core. We are committed to share value with the world in every article and post, to make sure that even if just one person reads them, he is more empowered within himself than he was before reading the article. We'd be content with just that.

As for our expansion of content beyond just music, be assured the Anime, Films, Books and Video Game posts are going nowhere. It may sound crazy, but we do have almost 100 articles in our drafting stage, and that number will continue to rise, as we at the DXR Script keep adding new ideas to be implemented on.

Articles on Halo are going nowhere. Articles on Film Scores are going nowhere. Articles on Fall Out Boy are going nowhere. 

Everything you love about DXR Script are staying, and new articles will be coming about them. We have lots of new ideas and thoughts we would love to share about them, lots of music we love, and we can't wait to share them with you in due time.

...And the new?

Apart from what we have already been doing, we are also looking forward to bringing new types of content. One aspect we are looking a lot forward to is writing about History, about things that captivated us at The DXR Script the most, and no, it will not be limited to just World War I and II. There is just so much of history from all over the world we would love to share and get into, all the while making sure we provide value and sticking to our core ideas.

We are also looking forward to writing articles on Philosophy-
Hey, hold it there, stranger! 
We won't be delving into academic papers. We won't go on deep dives about 18th century works on Philosophy (unless it is a Book Review about that very book). Instead, we are going to be looking at the values and ideas presented in the music, films and video games we love so much.  If you've read this post on Full Metal Alchemist's Roy Mustang, you should have a fair idea about how we are going to approach the subject. We are looking forward to sharing ideas and values that will empower our readers rather than make them question their existence.

Another way we are looking forward to expand our array of content is through original short stories of many genres, and mostly from the media you are already familiar with. We believe stories are one of the best ways to share and express our ideas, and so that is on the table.

All these doesn't mean this is going to become a broody website either. We'll be making many posts that you will be able to read just for leisure and enjoyment. 

In The Background

And now you may be wondering, what exactly are we up to, while The DXR Script goes silent? Well, for starters, we are still going to be working for the website. It might not be visible to what work we do until we come back again, but be assured we will be hard at work (Unless The Covenant decide to pay Earth a visit 532 years early!). And as we mentioned earlier, there are a lot of other projects we are in work with, and being students means the work for University keeps piling up. 

I, Alan Black, as you may be aware am in process of writing a Military Science Fiction/Fantasy novel which I would love to share as soon as I get a chance to finish the damn thing. Apart from that, The author of the review on Spiderman 2 and I are also in process of making a draft on a potential new series. (We'll share more information once we are able to!) 

Another ongoing project I am actively working on is being the Editing Chief and Publisher for 7HUND3R Music. Here is some of our work we've done so far, and I am very grateful for the support I have received from them. If you do like what you see and hear, subscribing to the channel and sharing the music goes a far way to support us.


So, when are coming back, write and publish all these new articles? Given how unpredictable this year has been, it will be a tumultuous ride going into 2021 and before the ongoing Pandemic ends. Until then, it will be tough for everyone here. 

From all of us, stay safe, keep others safe. We'll all go through this together.

For now, we've set a date for July 2021 when we'll be going back to our usual publishing schedule. It will be a time we believe would be a more relaxed, and one where we'll be able to devote time properly for The DXR Script.

Thank You for reading our articles and giving us so much support in these times. We're grateful for every one of you, and are looking forward to give you the best articles to read.



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