What are the Best Fan-made music for Skyrim? (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)

Still thriving nearly 9 years after release, Skyrim is a game that has accomplished a feat almost unheard of before, specially in the Single-Player Open-World market. This was achieved through many means, including how amazing Skyrim's soundtrack is. While we wait for the next Elder Scrolls, the fans have taken it upon themselves to keep the game alive. Last time we looked at why your journey through Skyrim sound so Epic (Read it here!), and it about the game's original soundtrack. Today however, we are looking at some of the best ways some fans have shown their love for what many call Bethesda's Masterpiece, through the world of music.
We at the DXR Script have made sure to include both absolutely hilarious ones as well as some ones that fit very well into the universe of the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
Read ahead to check out them out!
1. Alduin By Divide Music
"I'm battered, banged and bruised,but you had so much more to lose"
Produced and sung by Divide Music, this song gets into the epitome of what it means to be epic. It is aggressive and brave, and will sound best if your Dragonborn is a Nord Warrior. The vocals are well done, and the instrumentals sound in line with the tone and atmosphere of the game. A powerful song that demonstrates the power of the Last Dragonborn.

2. Arrow In The Knee by Johnny "WLB" Medler
Requirements to be a guard in any hold of Skyrim:-Be an ex-adventurer-Take an arrow in the knee
Probably the most well known meme song of Skyrim, this basis of this song is the infamous dialogue spoken by almost every guard in Skyrim:
"I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow in the knee"
Going as far having being featured on the Know Your Meme, the video is just as entertaining as the song, courtesy the amazing creativity of Johnny Medlar and the hilarious dance mod. This song is a must listen if you have played Skyrim for more than 10 hours (Who are we kidding, you probably have hundreds of hours in). The lyrics are where this song shines the best, and the story he tells through it. Scarcity and repetition of guard dialogue made really made questions appear in minds of all players: Why don't the Holds of Skyrim invest in better Knee Armor? Better still, who in Oblivion has been shooting arrows in the knees of so many adventurers?
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Where Lollygaggin' will get ya. |
3. The Last Dragonborn by Joy Aileen (Jonhnnajoins)
There's a hero among us who can fight against fire.A man who will save us all.He will shout, kill and slice them.Stand strong in the mountains.He'll fight 'til the dragons fall.
This song has a mystical feel to it, partly due to Joy Aileen's amazing voice. Telling the story of the Last Dragonborn, this is a song that could easily fit into the Nirn itself. While Divide's music was from the perspective of the Dovahkiin himself, this is a song in praise of the famed savior, of Alduin's bane. The soft piano notes compliment well into the track, and give it much more depth. It captures well what the average citizen of Skyrim would see the Dragonborn as. Its a beautiful song, and will probably make you want to play through the main quest, and that's a big feat if you ask us.

4. Khajiit Like To Sneak by miracleofsound
So feline and fair,
From the sands of Elyswr...
Who doesn't like Khajits? The Stormcloaks and the Forsworn are heavily biased against the Khajit, but why? They hold the idea that Khajit are just petty thieves. Come on, they are much more than petty thieves that every one of those fools will make you believe. Khajits are skooma addicts too!
Miracle Of Sound hardly needs an introduction, but this song is by far their best work done on Skyrim. The best thing about this song are the vocals, which are very convincingly Khajit sounding. Also packed with amusing lyrics, this one will be a fine addition to your (song) collection if you are playing as a Khajit character.
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Don't underestimate Khajits. |
5. Sons Of Skyrim 'Epic Metal' Remix by Brandon Strader
Skyforge's embers were probably used to make this song, because this is some of the best metal we're heard. An epic metal theme remix of the Main Theme, this track done by Brandon Strader manages to be something that goes well with Skyrim's universe while using modern electro and metal beats.

If you're an avid Skyrim fan, you might also recognize this as the intro of a famous YouTuber. This is hands down one of the best covers we've ever heard, and will make you want to delve straight into Tamriel's northern province.
Bonus: Songs By young scrolls

Any mention of fanmade Skyrim music would be incomplete with Young Scrolls's genius woks of art. Were we to include them here, they'd all hijack this list (They got Sheogorath himself with a whole album out, nothing much we could do). All entertaining, and lyrics made using the character's ingame voices only, Young Scrolls has done so many fabulous songs that would be done justice only if you hear it yourself. Notably, Blood Gang (By Serena and Feran Shandi) and Sheogorath's album Zoomin are must listens for any TES fan. Be warned of the language, however, don't play them anywhere near an NPC!
Skyrim is without a doubt, one of the best videogames ever made, excelling in nearly everything. Even in the departments that are lacking, fans have taken it upon themselves to improve. While the love for the game is recognized mostly as having a great modding community, many overlook the sheer talent some of the fans have in terms of music production. With the works we at the DXR Script have presented above, we hope you see that fans of the franchise are some of the best any developer could ask for. What other games from 2011 are people still actively playing? Needless to say, fan loyalty can carry a game very far!
As always, these are just what The DXR Script liked. Share this post with others if you liked it! Which ones are your favorite or have something to add? Tell us in the comments!
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Thanks For Reading! |
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